Translation memories
Strengthen your brand by using one voice
A translation memory is a database that saves the texts we translate for you. Translation memories (TM) are created between individual language combinations and enable reuse of previously translated words, sentences and texts. It makes your company communication more consistent and reduces your translation costs.
BENEFITS OF USing translation memoriES
Translation memories offer many advantages for both translators and customers. They shorten the actual translation process and ensure greater consistency in your company texts as well as cheaper translations.

Greater consistency in your texts

Cheaper translations

Faster delivery
Blog posts on translation memories
You can read more about how we use translation software (CAT tools) including translation memories and term bases in these blog posts
Good to know about translation memories:
How is a translation memory created?
We create your translation memory while we translate your texts. The software stores the individual segments and the corresponding translation in a memory. A translation memory is created for each language combination.
Your translation memory can be expanded by aligning the same text in two languages and adding them to the translation memory. We call this ‘alignment’.
How is a translation memory used?
A translation memory searches the database for previously translated terms and sentences and suggests the best match between the source text and the target text. The translator can then reject or accept parts of or the complete suggestion.
Every time AdHoc Translations receives a text from your company for translation, we will analyse the file against the relevant translation memory to get an overview of how much can be reused and thus how much discount you can get.
How is a translation memory maintained?
Changes made while the text is still in the translation system are automatically saved in the memory. However, if changes are made after the text has been exported from the system, AdHoc Translations will make sure to update these changes directly in the translation memory. However, this requires that we are told what has been changed.
The best way for us both to keep the translation memory up-to-date is by giving your internal proofreader access to make changes directly in the translation tool. This way the changes made are saved directly in the memory.
If your company decides to change its terminology, we will make sure that every specific term is changed throughout the translation memory.
How is the translation memory used best by yourselves and us?
All of our linguists and proofreaders that work on your texts have access to your company’s translation memories in real-time. This is especially beneficial at times when a very short deadline requires a text to be divided between more than one translator. It also keeps your texts more consistent, regardless of the translator.
Does your company employ in-house translators? AdHoc Translations also offers a shared platform, where your employees and our translators can access the same translation memories and possible term bases. This improves both quality and efficiency.
What software do we use?
AdHoc Translations creates a company-specific translation memory for your company between any relevant language combination.
Our preferred software is Memsource. However, we also work with other leading software products on the market. So if you have your own preferred software, we will adapt to your needs.
Will the translation memories be considered as your company property?
In our work with translation memories, we always create a specific memory for each individual customer and company. This means that the translation memory will only be used when we work with your company’s texts. Moreover, the translation memories will remain the property of your company.
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